Saturday, May 5, 2018

Confessions of a Reader | #2

 - The Weird Habits -

I hope I am not alone on these things. But I think a lot of fellow readers do these things on the list. It's not that weird for us, but it might be for people who don't understand.

  • When visiting someone you check out their bookshelves.

Why? Because you have to. You might be able to tell what kind of person you are visiting by browsing their shelves. I do this all the time.

  • Not watching a movie until you have read the book.

I am sorry friends and family that we don't have anything to watch because I want to read the book first. This happens all of the time and because  I have so many books to read, it can take a while before I am ready to watch the movie and by then my friends have already seen it. It is not only new releases...  I still have not read The Murder on the Orient Express or Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children. My family wants to see the movies, but I can't because I still haven't gotten to the books.

  • When dropping a book, you act like someone dropping their phone, a slight heart attack.

I get so scared that the book will be ruined when I pick it up. Most of the time though, the books are just fine.

  • Hugging, touching and smelling your books.

Uhh... yeah. This happens. Next...

  • When you spot another reader you have to know what they are reading, so you act like a creep just staring at them.

I can't help it. I have to know what book they are reading. I did this only two days ago. I saw a guy reading a book that I recognized as Eld (Engelfors #2) by Mats Strandberg and Sara Bergmark Elfgren. I think he caught me staring...

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