Hello, bookworms! This week, I'm trying something new that I call "Spook Week." What it means is basically that each day of this week, I write a ghost story here on this blog. The story will either be true, meaning it's something that I or someone I know have gone through, or it's false, meaning I made it up. In my Instagram story (senseandbookibility) I'll do a poll each day, asking if the story of that day is true or false. Then, at the end of the day, I will let you know if the story was, in fact, true or false. Lastly, I just want to say that this is something I do for fun, both because I love ghost stories and because I love the engagement in the bookish community and I hope that this is something that you will enjoy as well.
Let the spooky story begin...
The School Trip
A few years ago, my school were going on a trip to a forest, just to get out more and experice nature or something. We had two teachers with us and I liked nature, so I was excited for it.
When we arrived at the forest, we were just going to walk for a while and the teachers would tell the name of different plants and trees. We were told that we had an assignment in biology, to pick a plant and then find it in this book that they gave us and then learn the name. I thought it sounded boring, but did it because I had to. We got to walk with our friends, so my best friend and I decided to walk together. We had to stay close though, because they were only two teachers and needed to keep watch of all of us.
My friend and I looked for a while, but did not find anything interesting. We heard other kids laughing and running around, maybe finished with the task. I wanted to find something more unusual than a normal tree or a normal leaf. Suddenly, my friend said something about seeing the perfect plant and ran away from me. I called at her to wait for me and ran after her. When she stopped, I saw this beautiful blue flower that looked like it came from some fantasy land. It was perfect. We looked it up in the book and tried to learn the name. When I glanced back at the others, there was nothing to look back at. I started to panick. How far away where we? I told my friend that we needed to go back, before the teachers had to start looking for us. She nodded and we walked, after taking a picture of the flower. We thought we walked in the same direction we came from, but after a long time, we still hadn't found the others. I started to panick even more. My friend tried to calm me, but I could see that she was worried to. We shouted at them as loud as we could, but didn't get an answer. We were completely lost.
It felt like we walked around in circles, not getting anywere. Soon, we were exhausted and had to take a break from walking. We sat down for a while. We had been walking for hours now without any results. It was getting darker and colder. I caught myself shaking and warmed my hands by rubbing them together and then blow some warm air. I also held my cheeks to try and warm them.
After a while, we started walking again and shouting, but it seemed pointless. We were pretty deep in the forest now and I felt scared. Weird sounds could be heard in the dark, and everything was more frightening. Suddenly, my friend froze. I looked at her and then at what she looked at, but saw nothing. I waved my hand in front of her. She looked at me and whispered that there was someone there. I thought she was just trying to scare me and laughed. She looked pretty serious. She told me that she had felt a hand on her shoulder. I didn't believe her, but still said that I did.
Later, we saw this glow between the trees. We were both so freaked out that we thought it could be a ghost that was after us. We screamed at the sight, but then we heard someone calling our names. We followed the voice and saw this figure staring at us. It was hard to see in the dark and it had appeared so suddenly that we screamed again. The dark figure said that she was one of the teachers. I was so relieved.
After this, I always made sure that I stayed near the teachers as a kid. My friend was scared of forests for a good couple of years and still claims to have felt a hand on her shoulders that day..
Photo by Dope Squad on Unsplash
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