Sunday, April 15, 2018

Confessions of a Reader | #1

- The Have-Not-Read List -

  • Percy Jackson series. I really want to read this though.

  • Jane Austen. I have some of her books on my shelf... I promise that I will read her books eventually.

  • The Mortal Instruments. It's so long. I think I will read it but I probably won't have time this year. We will see.

  • Sarah J. Maas. A lot of book tubers love Maas but I still have not read any of her books. The Throne of Glass series looks so long, but I might read The Court of Thrones and Roses series this year. 

  • Just a bunch of classics. I am very behind on classics. I will try to work on that this year.

  • The Divergent series. I know, I know. Everyone knows what happens in Allegiant except for me. I have bought the books now, so I will read them...soon.

  • Harry Potter. I saved the worst for last. I need to read this. I feel like I can't call myself a Harry Potter fan if I have not read the books. But I have decided to dedicate this fall to reading this series, because it's a must. 

I hope you don't hate me now.  But I think every reader feels like there are some books they have not read yet that they have to read soon. I don't know about you, but I can get stressed out about it. But the key is to remember that you are reading for you and not for anyone else. 

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